Solar Energy


Our semiconductors are manufactured to last for 25+ years. Our design team has determined that these semiconductors will have over 80% of the original power in year 25.




A thin-film solar cell is made by depositing one or more thin layers of PV material on a supporting material such as glass, plastic, or metal. There are two main types of thin-film PV semiconductors on the market today: cadmium telluride (CdTe) and copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS). Both materials can be deposited directly onto either the front or back of the module surface. CdTe is the second-most common PV material after silicon, and CdTe cells can be made using low-cost manufacturing processes. While this makes them a cost-effective alternative, their efficiencies still aren’t quite as high as silicon. CIGS cells have optimal properties for a PV material and high efficiencies in the lab, but the complexity involved in combining four elements makes the transition from lab to manufacturing more challenging. Both CdTe and CIGS require more protection than silicon to enable long-lasting operation outdoors.






Perovskite solar cells are a type of thin-film cell and are named after their characteristic crystal structure

Off-Grid Solar Solution

Off-grid refers to a system that is not connected to the main power grid and must therefore be able to always supply energy by itself and without sacrificing the conveniences when your power is being supplied by a major utility company.


Off-grid systems are notoriously challenging because there is not a single source of green energy generation that is available 24/7. Our off-grid solutions will maximize the green energy generated, storing unused power for times when solar or wind are not available. These energy storage solutions are enhanced with the additions of other proprietary equipment solutions making the reliance of diesel-powered generators almost unnecessary.


Solar panels are the backbone of an off-grid system, but each component must be carefully chosen to support the overall power objectives of the project. Panels must be dimensioned in cooperation with the batteries to supply enough power to run the system operation throughout the year.


Monocrystalline is uniform cells with high efficiencies of up to 20% and has good market availability. The panel must be dimensioned in cooperation with the batteries to supply enough power to run the system operation throughout the year. There are many ways of providing electricity from the sun, but the most common is Photovoltaics (PV) from monocrystalline and polycrystalline.


They are one of the oldest and most reliable types of solar cells and have been known to last for up to 50 years, although 25 years is the average expected lifetime. They are however quite expensive. Polycrystalline cells consist of non-uniform cells and have a lower efficiency of around 10-15%. It will therefore be necessary to install a larger area of panels to reach the same needed power output. They are on the other hand cheaper to buy than monocrystalline.


Get superior efficiency, higher energy yield, and long-term reliability from an affordable, field-proven module. Thin-Film CdTe photovoltaic (PV) technology continues to set performance records in both research and real-world environments.


Our 18.0% thin-film module efficiency beats best-in-class silicon (Si) in total Power output. Toledo Solar produces the most innovative design and quality construction leading the solar industry’s most rigorous degradation protocols.


Thin-film high efficiency modules have a proven specific energy yield advantage to deliver more usable energy per nameplate watt than conventional Si modules. The Energy Yield Advance of each module is determined by capturing a year’s worth of operating data from varying real-world conditions such as temperature, sunlight intensity, and solar spectrum that changes throughout the day and season.

Land Use Advantage

Compared to typical Si modules our higher efficiency modules offer greater power density in the same land area.

Specific Energy Yield


Total Energy (MWh) Produced

Installed Nameplate Capacity (MWp)

More Annual Energy


Given the same land area with an equivalent module ground coverage ratio, thin-film CdTe modules produce more annual energy from the same land area as c-Si


When shading occurs, thin film’s unique cell design ensures only the shaded portion is impacted, while the rest of the module continues to produce power. Typical Si modules turn off disproportionately large portions of the module to protect them from damage. In an environment with 10% shading, a thin film module will still produce power from 90% of the panel, compared to standard Si modules that will reduce power generation from the panel by 30%.

Spectral Response Advantage in Humid Conditions

Sunlight contains multiple wavelengths and varying intensities of light.The intensity of the wavelengths that reach the earth’s surface are influenced by atmospheric conditions. The largest impact on intensity is due to water vapor in the atmosphere, commonly correlated to high humidity. PV technologies respond differently to different light wavelengths. On humid days, water in the atmosphere reduces specific wavelengths of available light. Despite humid conditions limiting the efficiency of solar power generation our thin film modules are capable of producing up to 6% more annual energy in humid conditions compared to our competitors modules.


The nameplate power for all PV modules, regardless of manufacturer or technology, is established by standard test conditions (STC). Standard test conditions do not define an ambient operating temperature but do define the PV module temperature as 25°C. Module temperatures are typically 25°C to 30°C above the ambient temperature. As the module temperature exceeds the STC of 25°C, the power output for all PV modules decreases. In warm and hot climates, the module operating temperature will exceed 25°C for as much as 90% of the day’s power generating hours, resulting in a decrease in overall power generated for the day. The temperature coefficient of a module can be used to calculate the power decrease as the module temperature increases. The CdTe thin-film panels have a lower temperature coefficient than Si modules and will produce more energy as the module temperatures increase. Thin-film CdTe module temperature coefficient is 0.28%/°C, compared to ~0.45%/°C for Si modules. For example, on a 40°C day, a thin-film module would reach 65°C operating temperate. In such conditions the thin-film modules produce up to 5% more power than Si modules on average. Over a year in hot climate conditions, this high temperature advantage adds up to 3% more annual energy than Si modules.

Greater Energy Yield Drives Lower
Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE)

While module efficiency identifies the power produced by a module in standard test conditions, the specific annual energy yield metric shows the energy produced in a year of real world conditions. When evaluating return on investment (ROI) for a solar power plant, energy yield has a big impact on the overall LCOE. Thin-film high efficiency modules are proven to deliver more usable energy per nameplate watt than conventional silicon-based
modules. For an equivalently designed and installed power plant priced at the same $/watt, a thin-film plant will produce more energy, resulting in a lower LCOE ($/MWh).

Increasing Value

Predictable lifetime energy is critical to confidently project the expected value of sellable energy from a PV system designed for long-term operation. The quality and reliability of thin-film technology is proven both in short and long-term field performance that meets or exceeds expected returns. With the solar industry’s rapid innovation cycles, PV technology relies on independent laboratory-accelerated testing protocols to determine the suitability and performance of modules in the field. Independent lab test results backed by a 25-year linear output warranty ensure your module will provide reliable lifetime performance. CdTe modules have been field-deployed and independently monitored by NREL with a documented long-term median power degradation rate of -0.45% per year. This low degradation rate positively impacts the long-term reliability and LCOE over the life of the entire system.




IEC 61730/IEC 61215

Standard International Solar Certification

1000V Certification Level

Low-Cost Financing

There is unparalleled use of thin-film modules in financed projects around the world. Many financial institutions appreciate the integrity of thin-film projects and market-leading technologies in high yield solar projects for their superior ROI. The world’s leading PV investors and financial institutions see a pattern of more value and less risk than competing alternatives. Thin-film topped the list of the 20 PV module brands most used in debt financed projects in Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s report, “PV module bankability 2014: where’s the trust?”

Power Purchase
Agreements (PPA)

Green Energy Solar offers 100% financing for
commercial and industrial solar projects through
Power Purchase Agreements. Contact us today for more information on how we can help you finance your solar project.

The Better Choice

More Energy – Lower LCOE

From large industrial installations to small rural communities, your thin-film installation produces more energy, more consistently, over the long term. By design, thin-film technology delivers a higher energy density than the competition. Through predictable performance and a lower rate of depreciation, thin-film technology lowers LCOE.

Superior Panels:

  • 1) 100% Made in U.S.
  • 2) Higher Quality
  • 3) More Durable
  • 4) More Stable
  • 5) ESG Friendly
  • 6) More Energy
  • 7) Fastest Energy
  • 8) Payback Period

Lower Installation Costs with greater Mounting Options

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